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Volunteering at Valhalla is Fun and Easy

Your help is needed throughout the school. Parents who volunteer at Valhalla must have a Washington State Patrol form filled out and given to the office. Click the links below and print the WSP form. Fill it out and turn it in at the office. Copies are also available in the office

Parents are welcome in our classrooms.  In order to minimize classroom interruptions of the teacher, however, we ask that you make arrangements with your student’s teacher or through the school office informing them of your intent to volunteer or watch a class.  Please stop by the office to notify us of your arrival.  All guests must sign in as a Guest and get a badge before proceeding to the classroom or Family room. Classroom volunteers and guests will need to fill out a Washington State Background Check volunteer application (good for two years) in order to help in the classroom or on field trips.  This helps us provide a safe and productive learning environment for all students and staff.  Filling out the Volunteer application is easy! Click on the files to the right to open and print the WSP form in either English or Spanish.

How do I get started?

  1. Contact your child's classroom teacher to find out how help in the classroom or support the teacher by preparing materials.
  2. Office staff often needs volunteers. Call 253-945-4300 to help.
  3. Speak with our Family LiaisonSilvia Drengson at 253-945-4346 about being a V.I.P. (Valhalla Involved Partner).
  4. Our music specialistMrs. Adams, can always use help to set up for grade level music concerts or the spring musical. Contact Mrs. Adams at for more information.
  5. Our P.E. teacherMr. Syder, could use help during Field Day in June. Contact Mr. Syder at 
  6. Attend PTA meetings to find out how other parents are helping our school through fundraisers and other events. Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 5:00